Apr 24 2018

Spring @WebMvcTest with Spock Framework

Spring is one of the most popular JVM-targeted frameworks. One of the reasons why it has become so popular is writing tests. Even before Spring Boot era, it was easy to run an embedded Spring application in tests. With Spring Boot, it became trivial. JUnit and Spock are two most popular frameworks for writing tests. They both provide great support and integration with Spring, but until recently it was not possible to leverage Spring’s @WebMvcTest in Spock. Why does it matter? @WebMvcTest is a type of an integration test that only starts a specified slice of Spring Application and thus its execution time is significantly lower compared to full end-to-end tests. Things have changed with Spock 1.2. Let me show you, how to leverage this new feature.

Apr 4 2018

Intuition Engineering at Allegro with Phobos

At Allegro, feature velocity is a top priority. We believe that one of our critical competitive advantages is the rate at which we introduce new features. In order to achieve a high feature velocity, one of the architectural choices that Allegro made a while back was to move to microservice architecture. So when somebody uses Allegro, a request comes in (and we just have a hypothetical example here) to service D — and we can imagine a service D being a proxy or an API layer — and whatever that service is, it is not going to have all the information it needs to serve a response. So the service D is going to reach out to service C and service F, and F in turn will reach out to A, and it will in turn reach out to B and E, and you see that this very quickly gets complicated. Allegro has somewhere around 500 microservices, so you can imagine how complicated the communication map looks.

Mar 12 2018

Psychological needs at work

This is a post for those seeking to accomplish business goals and ensure stability of the solutions developed while maintaining focus on people. The model of three basic psychological needs that I’m presenting here may be useful for leaders, agile coaches, and scrum masters. I also encourage developers to do some self-reflection. This is the knowledge I’ve gained at the World Conference of Transactional Analysis in Berlin. Transactional Analysis (TA) is a theory of interpersonal relationships developed by Eric Berne which has a practical application in various fields, including organizations.

Feb 15 2018

How to approach testing in development process?

Application release process, or in fact software development process, as a release is the final stage of application development, is not an easy thing. Books and IT websites discuss many approaches and each has its supporters and opponents. On the one hand, you have product owners, project managers and customers who want a ready-to-use application as soon as possible. On the other hand, we developers and testers, would like to release an application of the highest quality, which may affect the delivery time. Balancing these needs is a hard nut to crack. Usually, both sides need to make some compromises to establish a common way of working. For developers and testers, it involves answering several questions concerning software development methods, skills, use of manual or automated testing, and storage of test cases and test logs. In this article I describe best practices and tips for starting a new project. I think that by following them, you will make the software development process as effective as possible and adjusted to conditions of your project.

Jan 11 2018

Mesos Executor

Apache Mesos is an open-source project to manage computer clusters. In this article we present one of its components called Executor and more specifically the Custom Executor. We also tell you why you should consider writing your own executor by giving examples of features that you can benefit from by taking more control over how tasks are executed. Our executor implementation is available at github.com/allegro/mesos-executor

Nov 24 2017

This Fall digest

Some of our engineers run their own tech blogs. We encourage them to move here, but for various reasons, they prefer to publish on private blogs. We respect their decisions. What we can do is to gather all the blog posts published by allegro.tech engineers around the web in the one place.

Jul 24 2017

Golang slices gotcha

In this post I present a story of a bug that hit us recently. Everything was caused by unexpected (although documented) behavior of Go built-in function append. This bug has lived silently for nearly a year in allegro/marathon-consul. Ensure you run the latest version.

Jun 29 2017

Presto - a small step for DevOps engineer but a big step for BigData analyst

I bet you have found this article after googling some of the issues you encounter when working with a Hadoop cluster. You probably deal with Hive queries used for exploratory data analysis that are processed way too long. Moreover, you cannot adapt Spark in your organization for every use case because of the fact that writing jobs requires quite strong programming skills. Clogged Yarn queues might be your nightmare and waiting for the launch of the container when you run even a small query drives you mad. Before we deployed Presto — a Fast SQL engine provided by Facebook — our analysts struggled with these problems on a regular basis.

Jun 12 2017

The Agile Testing Days Conference - Potsdam 2016

Last year Agile Testing Days Conference was held between 6th and 8th December in Potsdam, Germany. According to statistics provided by organizers there were around 600 attendants and about 30 speakers in keynotes / workshops. During the whole event around 22 different workshops took place, 9 keynotes and around 30 other speeches / presentations divided into 7 parallel tracks. I had the opportunity to attend the first two days of the conference and in this article I’d like to share with you a short review of the most interesting sessions and my impressions about the event.

Mar 20 2017

Hitting the Wall

Running Mesosphere Marathon is like running… a marathon. When you are preparing for a long distance run, you’ll often hear about Hitting the wall. This effect is described mostly in running and cycling but affects all endurance sports. It happens when your body does not have enough glycogen to produce power and this results in a sudden “power loss” so you can’t run anymore. At Allegro we have experienced a similar thing with Mesosphere Marathon. This is our story on using Marathon in a growing microservice ecosystem, from tens of tasks and a couple applications, to thousands of tasks and over a hundred applications. If there is no mention of Marathon version, it is 1.3.10 and below; we need some time to test and deploy the latest 1.4 release. If you are interested in how our ecosystem is built, take a look at below MesosCon presentation.

Jan 26 2017

Estimating the cache efficiency using big data

Caching is a good and well-known technique used to increase application performance and decrease overall system load. Usually small or medium data sets, which are often read and rarely changed, are considered as a good candidate for caching. In this article we focus on determining optimal cache size based on big data techniques.

Dec 29 2016

Responsible work with MongoDB

Understanding data model is sufficient to design good database schema in RDBMS (relational database management system). Having this knowledge you are able to construct normalized tables, add appropriate constraints and finally create indexes to speed up queries. In the world of NoSQL there are no simple solutions, rules and answers. That’s why we can only talk about patterns, tips and hints. MongoDB is not an exception. Besides the comprehension of stored data, deep understanding of an access pattern, how data is searched, inserted and updated by an application is needed.

Nov 28 2016

API crafted for mobile

Are you developing a service and planning to make it publicly available? Do you want developers of mobile applications to get integrated with your API fast and painless? Do you care how stable and predictable mobile applications using your service are?

Oct 17 2016

Advances in Information Retrieval and Allegro use case at SIGIR 2016

In July we attended the scientific conference SIGIR 2016 held in Pisa, Italy. SIGIR is an annual conference related to new advances in Information Retrieval. The shortcut is for Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. This is an annual conference with the highest ranking at Microsoft Academic Research in Information Retrieval field field and the 16th in the ranking in the whole Computer Science field.

Sep 23 2016

Performance and Availability pitfalls in the Microservices Architecture — CQK Top 10

High performance and availability are always hard to achieve, and microservice architecture is no exception. In the microservices world, every user request sent to a frontend application triggers a cascade of remote calls. The frontend application calls API facades, API facades ask backend services, backend services communicate with databases and even more backend services. Statistics work against you. Latencies add up but failure probabilities combine by multiplication. The more services are engaged in a flow, the more threats for performance and availability.

Sep 16 2016

Are code reviews worth your time?

Code reviews play an important role in how we develop software at Allegro. All code we developers write is reviewed by our peers. If you apply for a job with us, we may ask you to review a sample piece of code during your interview. A code review done right carries a lot of value, but if done wrong it can become a waste of time. In this article I will describe what I think makes a good code review, how reviews have evolved over time at the teams I worked with and what you can do in order to make code reviews worthwhile.

Sep 2 2016

Allegro OpenSource — embedded-elasticsearch

At Allegro we want to be sure that our software works as designed. That’s why tests are so important to us. In several projects we are using Elasticsearch. In order to make writing integration tests that uses Elasticsearch easier, we’ve created a little tool called embedded-elasticsearch. It sets up Elasticsearch instance that you need for your tests (including installation of plugins) and gives you full control of it.

Aug 9 2016

The iOS bug chase

This article tells a story of chasing an iOS bug – a bug hidden so deep that it required many different skills and debugging on different levels to identify it. I think every native mobile app developer (not only an iOS developer) will find this text interesting. Non-mobile developers may find it an intriguing read as well.

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