Articles tagged with
spring boot

27 Jan 2020

How to manage Spring Boot services configuration on GCP

Configuration management is one of the key challenges you have to face when you decide to build an application as a distributed system based on microservices deployed to the Cloud. There are multiple ways of addressing different aspects of this problem, using several tools such as Spring Cloud Config Server or Hashicorp Consul. However, this article will focus on the tools that Google Cloud Platform offers out of the box. The approaches mentioned should be seen as complementary rather than mutually exclusive.

24 Apr 2018

Spring @WebMvcTest with Spock Framework

Spring is one of the most popular JVM-targeted frameworks. One of the reasons why it has become so popular is writing tests. Even before Spring Boot era, it was easy to run an embedded Spring application in tests. With Spring Boot, it became trivial. JUnit and Spock are two most popular frameworks for writing tests. They both provide great support and integration with Spring, but until recently it was not possible to leverage Spring’s @WebMvcTest in Spock. Why does it matter? @WebMvcTest is a type of an integration test that only starts a specified slice of Spring Application and thus its execution time is significantly lower compared to full end-to-end tests. Things have changed with Spock 1.2. Let me show you, how to leverage this new feature.