Articles tagged with

07 May 2018

A comedy of errors. Debugging Java memory leaks.

We all make errors, but some errors seem so ridiculous we wonder how anyone, let alone we ourselves, could have done such a thing. This is, of course, easy to notice only after the fact. Below, I describe a series of such errors which we recently made in one of our applications. What makes it interesting is that initial symptoms indicated a completely different kind of problem than the one actually present.

08 Oct 2014

The Memory Game

CPU time and memory are the two primary resources every performance-sensitive application needs to use wisely. Java is now the language of choice for many such systems. While most developers have at least basic understanding of computational complexity, I believe that few, especially among those who primarily use Virtual-Machine based languages such as Java, understand well how their applications manage memory. This is not only a very interesting topic in itself, but can also help in improving performance of Java applications or in understanding better the behavior of common Java-based databases such as Apache Cassandra.