Articles tagged with

12 Jun 2017

The Agile Testing Days Conference - Potsdam 2016

Last year Agile Testing Days Conference was held between 6th and 8th December in Potsdam, Germany. According to statistics provided by organizers there were around 600 attendants and about 30 speakers in keynotes / workshops. During the whole event around 22 different workshops took place, 9 keynotes and around 30 other speeches / presentations divided into 7 parallel tracks. I had the opportunity to attend the first two days of the conference and in this article I’d like to share with you a short review of the most interesting sessions and my impressions about the event.

17 Oct 2016

Advances in Information Retrieval and Allegro use case at SIGIR 2016

In July we attended the scientific conference SIGIR 2016 held in Pisa, Italy. SIGIR is an annual conference related to new advances in Information Retrieval. The shortcut is for Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. This is an annual conference with the highest ranking at Microsoft Academic Research in Information Retrieval field field and the 16th in the ranking in the whole Computer Science field.

02 Jul 2015

PyWaw Summit - a Python conference for everybody

Recently I had a chance to take part in the first edition of a new Python event in Poland, PyWaw Summit conference. Python has a very active community in Poland, Europe and around the globe. What sets the community apart is its accessibility and friendliness. After all, as mentioned by Marc-André Lemburg in his PyWaw Summit day one keynote, the language is a tribute to Monty Python, and is designed to be fun. The fun factor and friendliness were evident at PyWaw Summit, a conference organized by Warsaw Python User Group. Being a sysadmin in my first ever conference devoted to programming only, I felt very welcome and got a lot of very useful first hand information on the newest features, trends and techniques from Python professionals.

16 Jan 2015

We were at QCon SF 2014

QCon is one of the most identifiable conferences in IT world. Several times every year it connects IT professionals from the whole world in such a well-known locations like San Francisco, New York, Shanghai, Tokyo, Beijing or London. The main idea of conference is to facilitate the spread of knowledge and innovation in developer community.

31 Dec 2014

We visited Devoxx 2014

Devoxx (formerly JavaPolis) is an annual Java-centric conference organized by BeJUG that takes place in Antwerp, Belgium. Such a big Java event can‘t go unnoticed by Allegro. This year five representatives of our company had a chance to experience five full days of Devoxx.

17 Dec 2014

Big Data Spain 2014 review

Big Data Spain is an annual conference on Big Data and related topics held in the suburbs of Madrid. This year’s, i.e. third, edition has so far been the biggest; it has attracted more than 500 guests and various speakers including Big Data celebrities like Paco Nathan of Databricks. During two days of the conference, guests could attend many keynotes, speeches and workshops and learn about variuos products, services and specific use-cases, in both English and Spanish. Allegro was represented by two employees with a presentation on Hadoop pitfalls and gotchas.

02 Dec 2014

We were on re:inventure (AWS conference summary)

Two weeks ago we attended AWS re:invent conference in Las Vegas. Our company was represented by Wojciech Lesicki (Product Owner of our cloud infrastructure), Sebastian Pietrowski (Head of Architecture and Operations) and Mateusz Gajewski (Solutions Architect). This post summarises new product announcements made during the keynotes, our impressions on breakout sessions, bootcamps and conference itself.