Squeezing performance out of Elasticsearch
Lately my colleague Michał described how he tracked a Java memory leak. Although that problem was completely solved, new complications suddenly appeared on the horizon. As it usually happens, everything started with an alert from our monitoring system which woke me up in the middle of the night.
Introduction #
Before I start a story I need to give you a little explanation about what Adventory is and how it was designed. Adventory is a microservice which is a part of our PPC Advertising Platform and its job is to take data from MongoDB and put it into Elasticsearch (2.4.6 at the time of writing this article). We do this because our index changes so quickly and from performance point of view we decided that it would be better to build a fresh Elasticsearch index each time rather than to update an existing one. For this purpose we have two Elasticsearch clusters. One of them serves queries while the other one indexes, and after each indexing they switch their roles.
Investigation #
Our monitoring system told me that our indexing time increased and started hitting 20 minutes. That was too much. A couple of months ago we started with 2 minutes and the number of documents increased no more than 3—4 times since then. It should be much lower than 20 minutes. We hadn’t changed code related to indexing recently so it seemed to be a bug related to increasing load or amount of data in our system. Unfortunately we didn’t realise that things were getting worse until we crossed the critical line. We store metrics only for one week so we didn’t know when exactly indexing times got worse, we didn’t know if they increased suddenly or kept increasing slowly and consistently. Now, regardless of the answer, we needed to fix this quickly because we couldn’t accept these times.
The problem here is that since we were streaming data all the way, we couldn’t see which part of the process was slowing everything down. With this architecture it’s hard to see one metric with a separate value for each step because many steps execute in parallel. For this reason looking at the metrics gave me no certainty which step of the whole process was the bottleneck.
First attempt #
First I took a look at the times of each step of the indexing part. It turned out that a
forcemerge lasted ~7 minutes
in each indexing. I turned this step off and started looking at metrics. It turned out that this part had a crucial
impact on search latency and without this step search times grew drastically. I gave this idea another try and
switched max_num_segments
parameter from 1 (which compacts all the data in the index) back to its default (checking
if a merge needs to execute, and if so, executing it) but it didn’t work either. So this was a dead end.
Second attempt #
Undeterred by previous failure I tried another idea. Let’s change the way we transform data. When we had written this service there was no support for streaming data in Spring Data MongoDB. We needed to sort data with a given limit and implement our own equivalent of streaming. It was clearly not efficient. I rewrote this to use streams. By the way, we hit the hidden feature of MongoDB: default idle timeout. After fixing this, there was no good news again. This change had no significant effect on performance.
Third attempt #
Due to lack of progress my colleague took over the helm and tried some different configuration options. Some were unsuitable:
- setting
— since we do forcemerge in the end we don’t need to refresh during indexing, - turning off _field_names field — this is Elasticsearch’s feature which comes at a price and since we didn’t take advantage of it we could easily disable it,
- playing with translog options.
Some helped a little:
- turning off doc_values for fields we don’t sort or group,
- turning off _all field,
- storing in _source only those fields’ values which we really need, although this one might be tricky because these fields will be harder to debug in the future,
- increasing the number of threads on which we process all data. We needed to be careful with this since too many threads may cause memory problems.
After this step, indexing times dropped from ~20 minutes to ~12 minutes. It was a significant improvement but still not enough.
The final attempt #
Reviewing recently added features, I found one which drew my attention. We had added another result filtering method, this time by key-value pairs. The structure in the index was following:
"filters": {
"key1": [
"key2": [
I turned these fields off for a couple of indexing runs and times dropped to ~4.5 minutes. The problem was that we had many different keys and because of the way the index was organized internally it could be a performance issue. Fortunately, since we only used filters for search, we could refactor it a little bit to the following structure:
"filters": [
Due to this change we stopped forcing Elasticsearch to create heavyweight structures for storing many keys. Instead, we made a kind of enum values from key-value pairs and stored them in Elasticsearch as a flat list. This way is optimal for both indexing and searching.
Conclusion #
Why didn’t we earlier realise that indexing times had increased? Because they increased slowly over time rather than in a sudden peak and not enough to hit our threshold level in the monitoring system. We hit the threshold a couple of days after deployment of filtering (as described before) when we had higher traffic. Unfortunately, there is no obvious solution to these kinds of problems. The best we can do is to observe metrics after each deployment and maybe even put them permanently on a screen in the developers’ room. It may be worth considering setting up a tool for anomaly detection as well.