Mar 23 2021

Digging into Allegro, or how I started my testing career

Maybe it’s another “How I’ve changed my worklife” story, but I hope it is an interesting one. It seems quite important to tell: before the beginning of my Allegro adventure, I was working as… an archaeologist. It was both physical work on excavations and research work at my PhD studies. And the only thing that connects my past work and the current one is: attention to detail.

Mar 5 2021

Finite-state machines made easy

Coordinating complex processes, both business and technical, can be a challenging issue in a distributed system. Especially when the complications associated with them, such as concurrency, idempotency, scalability and hindered testability, come into play — possibly all at once. This is definitely something that can keep many programmers awake at night.

Feb 15 2021

My first days at Allegro

So you’re new to Allegro, have just finished your tech onboarding and are stunned with information overflow? Or perhaps you are planning to join Allegro and don’t know what it looks like in here? I am about to try and describe how I felt just a few months ago and what startled or dismayed me. I hope this short article will answer all your concerns.

Feb 1 2021

Implement stateless authentication like a pro using OAuth: A 100% correct approach

Many of us spend most of their software development careers improving and extending applications protected by pre-existing security mechanisms. That’s why we rarely address problems related directly to authentication and authorization unless we build apps from scratch. Regardless of your experience I still hope you will find this article interesting. It’s not meant to be a tutorial. I would like to focus on clarifying basic concepts and highlighting common misconceptions.

Jan 14 2021

Impact of data model on MongoDB database size

So I was tuning one of our services in order to speed up some MongoDB queries. Incidentally, my attention was caught by the size of one of the collections that contains archived objects and therefore is rarely used. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to reduce the size of the documents stored there, but I started to wonder: is it possible to store the same data in a more compact way? Mongo stores JSON that allows many different ways of expressing similar data, so there seems to be room for improvements.

Dec 28 2020

Speeding up warm builds in Xcode

Programmers who have ever developed software for Apple platforms in the early days of Swift language might remember ridiculous times it took to compile the whole project. For large and complicated codebase times used to range from 10 up to 40 minutes. Over the years our toolset has improved alongside with compilation times, but slow build times of source code can still be a nightmare.

Dec 17 2020

Speeding up iOS builds with Bazel

When we developed our Allegro iOS app adding new features and with more people contributing to the codebase, we noticed that build times began to grow. In order to have precise metrics, we started to track clean build time as well as the amount of code we had. Do these two metrics grow at the same pace?

Nov 23 2020

Testing React applications with Jest and Enzyme

JavaScript Frameworks play an important role in creating modern web applications. They provide developers with a variety of proven and well-tested solutions for creating efficient and scalable applications. Nowadays, it’s hard to find a company that builds its frontend products without using any framework, so knowing at least one of them is a necessary skill for every frontend developer. To truly know a framework, we need to understand not only how to create applications using it, but also how to test them.

Sep 3 2020

The power of kata

Every day, many developers of enterprise systems have to face complex problems for which incorrect solutions often end with a loss of enormous amounts of money. That’s why they constantly learn new paradigms, frameworks, tools, read books and broaden their knowledge in technical conferences. It’s a lot of time and effort! All this dedication is on behalf of creating a high-quality product — but what is the result? Obviously it depends (as every software architect would say), but too many times the result isn’t the best. It takes a while, has got too many errors, often the code quality isn’t high… And let’s better not mention testing. Why is all this happening then? Everyone does their best, spends additional time on learning, so what exactly is missing? The answer is quite straightforward - constant practicing. Let’s say a few words about “code kata” which can make a remedy for the mentioned problems.

Aug 11 2020

Using ESLint to improve your app’s performance

Let me start with a story. Once upon a time I stumbled upon an excellent article by Philip Walton where he describes how expensive script evaluations could (and should!) be deferred until the browser is idle or they are actually needed. One of the examples that awakened my interest was creating an instance of the Intl.DateTimeFormat object, as I was using this great API quite often but never thought it can cause real performance problems. Turns out it can, especially if used inside loops. Apart from the technique described in Philip’s article, another solution is to simply reuse Intl.DateTimeFormat instances instead of creating them every time.

Jul 16 2020

Common code approach: from rich libraries to rich environment

We run over 800 microservices in our on-premise and public clouds. They are developed by hundreds of engineers in various technologies: from the most popular Java and Kotlin, through Scala, Clojure, Python, NodeJS, Golang, to less mainstream like Elixir or Swift. All these applications need to handle common technical concerns: logging, monitoring, service discovery, tracing, internationalization, security and more. How to provide common solutions to these requirements in such a heterogeneous setup? In this post I’m going to explain how we originally solved this problem with common libraries and how we are currently changing our runtime environment to make things even easier.

Jun 22 2020

Persisting application state

An application can be defined as a set of use cases. It often happens that use case A requires a previously executed use case B for its execution. In such situation, it should be ensured that use case B has been executed while executing use case A. To achieve this, application state that is common to both use cases, is introduced. The state must be persisted to be visible to more than one use case. Most often, various types of databases are used for this purpose. While working with source code, I have encountered various methods of persisting the application state. I also came up with my own variations. In this post I will make a subjective comparison of these methods based on specific criteria.

May 21 2020

Hexagonal Architecture by example - a hands-on introduction

When you go through articles related to Hexagonal Architecture (HA) you usually search for practical examples. HA isn’t simple, that’s why most trivial examples make readers even more confused, though it is not as complex as many theoretical elucidations present it. In most posts you have to scroll through exact citations or rephrased definitions of concepts such as Ports and Adapters or their conceptual diagrams. They have already been well defined and described by popular authors i.e. Alistair Cockburn or Martin Fowler. I assume you already have a general understanding of Domain Driven Design and that you understand terms such as Ports and Adapters. I’m not a HA expert, yet I use it everyday and I find it useful. The only reason I write this post is to show you that Hexagonal Architecture makes sense, at least if your service is a little more than a JsonToDatabaseMapper.

May 7 2020

Migrating to Service Mesh

This year turns 21. The company, while serving millions of Poles in their online shopping, has taken part in many technological advances. Breaking the monolith, utilising public cloud offerings, machine learning, you name it. Even though many technologies we use might seem as just following the hype, their adoption is backed by solid reasoning. Let me tell you the story of a project I’ve had the privilege of working on.

Apr 16 2020

The problem of immutability in Java

As a developer interested in both web technologies and game development I always found myself disagreeing with a large part of articles about using a particular technology to solve some problems. While such articles are often true, they often skip some important details that make given solution unacceptable in some other cases. And in this article I will try to look at immutability in a negative way from game development perspective and how it can affect web services too. It is always more fun to look in a negative way at something everyone loves ;)

Mar 30 2020

Understanding accessibility

The group that you could help is huge. The Polish Association of the Blind reports that there are more than 3 million people in Poland with visual impairment and 42 thousand with complete blindness (based on official, national statistical data of 2016 - not so fresh; still, it is not better in 2020, so…). These numbers do not include people with other problems, for example, those resulting from severe sickness, with movement disabilities, or with learning problems, older or just foreigners, who are not fluent with the language. All of them, and many more, are not able to use digital products the way people without disabilities do.

Feb 10 2020

Making Webflux code readable with Kotlin coroutines

Recently, our crucial microservice delivering listing data switched to Spring WebFlux. A non-blocking approach gave us the possibility to reduce the number of server worker threads compared to Spring WebMvc. The reactive approach helped us to effectively build a scalable solution. Also, we entered the world of functional programming where code becomes declarative: statements reduced to the minimum immutable data preferred no side effects quite a neat chaining of method calls causing it easier to understand.

Jan 27 2020

How to manage Spring Boot services configuration on GCP

Configuration management is one of the key challenges you have to face when you decide to build an application as a distributed system based on microservices deployed to the Cloud. There are multiple ways of addressing different aspects of this problem, using several tools such as Spring Cloud Config Server or Hashicorp Consul. However, this article will focus on the tools that Google Cloud Platform offers out of the box. The approaches mentioned should be seen as complementary rather than mutually exclusive.

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