Articles tagged with

28 Dec 2020

Speeding up warm builds in Xcode

Programmers who have ever developed software for Apple platforms in the early days of Swift language might remember ridiculous times it took to compile the whole project. For large and complicated codebase times used to range from 10 up to 40 minutes. Over the years our toolset has improved alongside with compilation times, but slow build times of source code can still be a nightmare.

24 Oct 2016

Self-contained UI tests for iOS applications

We’re all familiar with TDD, or at least write unit tests for our software, but unit tests won’t check application state after complex UI interactions. If you want to make sure that an application behaves correctly when users interact with it, then you need to write UI tests.

14 Jan 2015

A look at Swift functions

At the beginning of December we published our first post about Swift. Today we want to continue the Swift thread and introduce a few interesting facts about functions in Swift language.

03 Dec 2014

Quick introduction to Swift

Introduction of Swift programming language during WWDC 2014 was big news in developers’ world. The community warmly welcomed the language created by Apple and many developers started learning and using it immediately. This article explains what Swift is and its basic concepts. If you are an iOS (or OS X) developer it means that you probably already know all the things described below, but if you haven’t started your iOS development adventure yet (but you want to), this article could be a good introduction for you.