All posts by
Piotr Betkier

Jul 16 2020

Common code approach: from rich libraries to rich environment

We run over 800 microservices in our on-premise and public clouds. They are developed by hundreds of engineers in various technologies: from the most popular Java and Kotlin, through Scala, Clojure, Python, NodeJS, Golang, to less mainstream like Elixir or Swift. All these applications need to handle common technical concerns: logging, monitoring, service discovery, tracing, internationalization, security and more. How to provide common solutions to these requirements in such a heterogeneous setup? In this post I’m going to explain how we originally solved this problem with common libraries and how we are currently changing our runtime environment to make things even easier.

Mar 12 2015

Adopting Gradle at Allegro — a success story

The story begins two years ago during an excellent TDD training given by Szczepan Faber and Tomek Kaczanowski for a bunch of Allegro developers. Surprisingly, it was a trigger to revolutionize our builds at Allegro.

Dec 5 2014

Allegro engineers at PyWaw meetup

At Allegro, we always try to pick the right tool for the job. As a result, despite focusing on JVM for implementing our services, we do use Python extensively for infrastructure automation and management.

Piotr Betkier

Software Engineer who loves building useful tools and resilient systems. Works in one of the technical platform teams, where he’s responsible for common libraries and service discovery (Service Mesh). Conference speaker, host of Allegro Tech Podcast.