All posts by
Jerzy Jelinek

Sep 23 2021

Evolution of web performance culture

The main goal of boosting website performance is to improve the user experience. In theory, a satisfied customer is more likely to use a particular company’s services, which is then reflected in business results. However, from my own experience I can say that not every change can be easily converted into money. I would like to tell you how to reconcile these two worlds, how to convince the business that the benefits of better performance are a long-term investment, and how to streamline the development process during the design or code writing process.

Jun 8 2021

Measuring Web Performance

Some time ago we announced that Allegro passes Core Web Vitals assessment and thanks to that we were awarded in “Core Web Vitals Hall of Fame”. It means that Allegro is in the group of the 27% fastest websites in Polish Internet.

Jerzy Jelinek

Webperf Team member. Performance enthusiast. Short sentences lover.