All posts by
Krzysztof Przychodzki

Oct 30 2023

Beyond the Code - An Engineer’s Battle Against Knowledge Loss

The idea for this article arose during a meeting where we learned that our supervisor would be leaving the company to pursue new opportunities. In response, a colleague lamented that what we would miss most is the knowledge departing with the leader. Unfortunately, that’s how it goes. Not only do we lose a colleague, but we also lose valuable knowledge and experience. However, this isn’t a story about my supervisor; it’s a story about all those individuals who are experts in their fields, who understand the paths to success and paths that lead to catastrophic failures. When they leave, they take with them knowledge that you won’t find in any book, note, or Jira ticket. And this leads to a fundamental question: What can be done to avoid this “black hole” of knowledge? How can we ensure it doesn’t vanish along with them? That’s what this article is all about.

Jul 19 2022

How to facilitate EventStorming workshops

With this article, I would like to introduce you to EventStorming and explain to you how to get started. I am not discovering anything new, just gathering available knowledge in one place. What I will show you is a few tips on how to conduct and facilitate EventStorming workshops.

Feb 15 2021

My first days at Allegro

So you’re new to Allegro, have just finished your tech onboarding and are stunned with information overflow? Or perhaps you are planning to join Allegro and don’t know what it looks like in here? I am about to try and describe how I felt just a few months ago and what startled or dismayed me. I hope this short article will answer all your concerns.

Krzysztof Przychodzki

Software engineer. At Allegro I work in a team responsible for the Allegro Smart! loyalty programme. I am interested in EventStorming and I actively promote this technique at Allegro. I have set up an EventStorming Guild where we share knowledge and support - for example as session facilitators.