Articles tagged with
open source

12 Feb 2024

Don’t bother: it is only a little expired

This story shows how we strive to fix issues reported by our customers regarding inconsistent listing views on our e-commerce platform. We will use a top-down manner to guide you through our story. At the beginning, we highlight the challenges faced by our customers, followed by presenting basic information on how views are personalized on our web application. We then delve deeper into our internal architecture, aiming to clarify how it supports High Availability (HA) by using two data centers. Finally, we advertise a little Couchbase, distributed NoSQL database, and explain why it is an excellent storage solution for such an architecture.

14 Dec 2023

Clever, surprised and gray-haired

This article is a form of a public postmortem in which we would like to share our bumpy way of revealing the cause of a mysterious performance problem. Besides unveiling part of our technical stack based on open-source solutions, we also show how some false assumptions made such a bug triage process much harder. Besides all NOT TO DOs, you can find some exciting information about performance hunting and reproducing performance issues on a small scale. As a perk, we prepared a repository where you can reproduce the problem and make yourself familiar with tools that allowed us to confirm the cause. The last part (lessons learned) is the most valuable if you prefer to learn from the mistakes of others.

14 Sep 2023

Online MongoDB migration

MongoDB is the most popular database used at Allegro. We have hundreds of MongoDB databases running on our on—premise servers. In 2022 we decided that we need to migrate all our MongoDB databases from existing shared clusters to new MongoDB clusters hosted on Kubernetes pods with separated resources. To perform the migration of all databases we needed a tool for transfering all the data and keeping consistency between old and new databases. That’s how mongo-migration-stream project was born.

05 Apr 2023

Dynamic Workload Balancing in Hermes

Hermes is a distributed publish-subscribe message broker that we use at Allegro to facilitate asynchronous communication between our microservices. As our usage of Hermes has grown over time, we faced a challenge in effectively distributing the load it handles to optimize resource utilization. In this blog post, we will present the implementation of a dynamic workload balancing algorithm that we developed to address this challenge. We will describe the approach we took, the lessons we learned along the way, and the results we achieved.

07 May 2020

Migrating to Service Mesh

This year turns 21. The company, while serving millions of Poles in their online shopping, has taken part in many technological advances. Breaking the monolith, utilising public cloud offerings, machine learning, you name it. Even though many technologies we use might seem as just following the hype, their adoption is backed by solid reasoning. Let me tell you the story of a project I’ve had the privilege of working on.

21 Apr 2017

Distributed rate limiting of delivery attempts

In our services ecosystem it’s usually the case that services can handle a limited amount of requests per second. We show how we introduced a new algorithm for our publish-subscribe queue system. The road to production deployment highlights some key distributed systems’ takeaways we’d like to discuss.

02 Sep 2016

Allegro OpenSource — embedded-elasticsearch

At Allegro we want to be sure that our software works as designed. That’s why tests are so important to us. In several projects we are using Elasticsearch. In order to make writing integration tests that uses Elasticsearch easier, we’ve created a little tool called embedded-elasticsearch. It sets up Elasticsearch instance that you need for your tests (including installation of plugins) and gives you full control of it.

24 Jun 2015

Allegro OpenSource: Camus Compressor

At Allegro we use many open-source tools that support our work. Sometimes we are not able to find what we want and this is a perfect moment to fill the gap and to share with the community. We are proud to announce Camus Compressor — a tool that merges files created by Camus on HDFS and saves them in a compressed format.

08 May 2015

Allegro OpenSource: Elasticsearch reindex tool

At Allegro we use many open-source tools that support our work. Sometimes we are not able to find what we want and this is a perfect moment to fill the gap and to share with the community. We are proud to announce an initial release of Elasticsearch reindex tool — a tool that provides an easy way to rebuild indexes in elasticsearch.

10 Apr 2015

Spring Boot Starter Handlebars

Nowadays, Spring Boot gets more and more popular as it simplifies creating standalone, production-grade Spring based applications. It offers e.g. auto-configuration support for most of the available Java-based template engines such as Velocity, Thymeleaf, etc. Today, we would like to publish the new Spring Boot starter that supports auto-configuration of other popular template engine we have recently got used to — Handlebars. Hopefully you might find this little piece of code useful.

03 Apr 2015

Allegro OpenSource: tradukisto

At Allegro we use many open-source tools that support our work. Sometimes we are not able to find what we want and this is a perfect moment to fill the gap and to share with the community. We are proud to announce an initial release of Tradukisto — a small Java library created to convert numbers to their word representations.

24 Sep 2014

Allegro OpenSource: axion-release-plugin

In the good old days of Maven releasing projects was straightforward. Everyone knew and used maven-release-plugin, a plugin that behind simple facade did huge amounts of work. In Gradle times things started to get complicated. In exchange for greater flexibility we gave up good old, maybe a bit rusty tools that were part of our developer kits for years. Now we try to find new ones. Most of teams in Allegro have decided to migrate their projects from Maven to Gradle and we, too, are searching for perfect tools to do our job (and builds).