Oct 8 2014

The Memory Game

CPU time and memory are the two primary resources every performance-sensitive application needs to use wisely. Java is now the language of choice for many such systems. While most developers have at least basic understanding of computational complexity, I believe that few, especially among those who primarily use Virtual-Machine based languages such as Java, understand well how their applications manage memory. This is not only a very interesting topic in itself, but can also help in improving performance of Java applications or in understanding better the behavior of common Java-based databases such as Apache Cassandra.

Oct 1 2014

Java Testing Toolbox

Introduction This article is addressed mainly to people who are not very experienced in the area of unit / integration testing although basic knowledge of JUnit is required. I am going to provide you with a quick recap of the most commonly used Java testing tools, starting with JUnit (together with three nice complementary libraries: JUnitParams, catch-exception) and Mockito. Then I will show you how to perform assertions in a much nicer and cleaner way using AssertJ so that you never have to use Hamcrest again.

Sep 24 2014

Allegro OpenSource: axion-release-plugin

In the good old days of Maven releasing projects was straightforward. Everyone knew and used maven-release-plugin, a plugin that behind simple facade did huge amounts of work. In Gradle times things started to get complicated. In exchange for greater flexibility we gave up good old, maybe a bit rusty tools that were part of our developer kits for years. Now we try to find new ones. Most of teams in Allegro have decided to migrate their projects from Maven to Gradle and we, too, are searching for perfect tools to do our job (and builds).

Sep 17 2014

Cassandra Modeling Kata

What is Apache Cassandra? Apache Cassandra is an open source, distributed, high performance, cloud-friendly NoSQL database offering high availability with its masterless and no single-point-of-failure architecture. If you are new to Apache Cassandra and NoSQL, I highly recommend reading these great introductions:

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