Articles tagged with

10 Feb 2022

Why should we rewrite enzyme.js to react-testing-library and how to do that?

Everyone repeats like a mantra that tests are an indispensable element of development work. Is there anything to it? Well, I need to admit that as a developer, I rather often want to skip the test writing stage. I assume I’m not the only one. I’m aware that it’s a mistake, even with testers on board. Effective and efficient testing of your own code can help with catching bugs in new functionalities, as well as in changes to already existing ones. It cannot be questioned. Sometimes tests also help to understand how some long-unused functionality or component works. And that’s a small bonus too. Can a large project cope without testing? Probably so. But the number of errors and their severity will probably be much higher. That’s why in Allegro Ads we pay attention to writing tests.

23 Nov 2020

Testing React applications with Jest and Enzyme

JavaScript Frameworks play an important role in creating modern web applications. They provide developers with a variety of proven and well-tested solutions for creating efficient and scalable applications. Nowadays, it’s hard to find a company that builds its frontend products without using any framework, so knowing at least one of them is a necessary skill for every frontend developer. To truly know a framework, we need to understand not only how to create applications using it, but also how to test them.