All posts by
Piotr Glazar

May 20 2015

An introduction to thread pools in Java

According to Moore’s law the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. However, the exponential processor transistor growth does not always translate into exponentially greater practical CPU performance. Processor manufacturers for years delivered processors with higher clock rates and instruction parallelism. As a result, single-threaded code executed faster on newer generations of processors. Of course, it is impossible to speed up clock rates infinitely and processors like AMD FX-9590 with turbo clock speed at 5 GHz are rather unique. Today, processor manufacturers favour multi-core processors. It is common to have a quad-core CPU in smartphones, not to mention laptops or even desktop PCs. Consequently, software has to be written in a multi-threaded manner to take full advantage of the hardware. Thread pools can help programmers harness multi-core CPUs.

Feb 3 2015

Using Jersey model processor for supporting edge-service features

In this post I would like to show you how to add a resource programatically in Jersey container. We start from a business use case that needs to be implemented. What we are trying to achieve is to allow external clients to use some resources of internal microservices. I am aware of the fact that the solution we are going to discuss is not the best way to solve the problem. Choosing the best solution lies outside the scope of this post. What is covered in this post are the steps and solutions we tried to use in order to solve the problem.

Dec 24 2014

Aspects in Spring

This post is an introduction to the mysterious and alien world of aspect-oriented programming, or aspects for short. At first sight it is difficult to understand why to use aspects and how a project can benefit from this technology. The simplest use case where we can use an aspect is logging. I believe that everyone saw, or even wrote on their own, a piece of code where the business logic was interweaving with infrastructure code:

Piotr Glazar

Piotr is a software engineer interested in both concurrent and functional programming. He is a big fan of high-quality code and clean architecure. At Allegro, he works in a team which develops solutions for the financial department.