All posts by
Michał Kowalcze

Mar 30 2022

Visual thinking

We use written (source code) language to express our intentions in a machine-readable form. We use spoken language to communicate with other people. We pride ourselves as ones choosing a programming language optimized to the task at hand. Do we use the optimal way to express our ideas?

Dec 13 2021

Clean Architecture Story

The Clean Architecture concept has been around for some time and keeps surfacing in one place or another, yet it is not widely adopted. In this post I would like to introduce this topic in a less conventional way: starting with customer’s needs and going through various stages to present a solution that is clean enough to satisfy concepts from the aforementioned blog (or the book with the same name).

Michał Kowalcze

Software engineer interested in products that people love. Feedback loops enthusiast. At Allegro, he works as a development team leader (Allegro Biznes).