All posts by
Konrad Kamiński

Nov 22 2021

Moving towards Micronaut

Micronaut is one of the new application frameworks that have recently sprung up. It promises low memory usage and faster application startup. At Allegro we decided to give it a try. In this article we’ll learn what came out of it and if it’s worth considering when creating microservices-based systems.

Jun 20 2016

Kotlin null safety and its performance considerations -- part 1

Kotlin may seem like a new kid on the block — itʼs been officially released only in February. Its history however dates a few years back and itʼs mature and stable enough to be used for developing solid reliable applications. Therefore at Allegro we decided to give it a chance — we built our new shiny server-side system using Kotlin as its primary language and we do not regret it.

Konrad Kamiński

Software developer who likes to have a broad picture of the things he’s using/working with. An old timer.