All posts by
Bartosz Gałek

Nov 20 2024

Popular Gradle mistakes (and how to avoid them)

As part of Allegro Hacktoberfest celebrations, Andamio Task Force (the team responsible for Andamio, a set of common libraries used by most JVM projects at Allegro) posted the following message on our social platform…

Sep 10 2024

Automating Code Migrations at Scale

At Allegro, we continuously improve our development processes to maintain high code quality and efficiency standards. One of the significant challenges we encounter is managing code migrations at scale, especially with breaking changes in our internal libraries or workflows. Manual code migration is a severe burden, with over 2000 services (and their repositories). We need to introduce some kind of code migration management.

Oct 14 2019

Team tourism at Allegro — part 2 — case studies

Following up on our previous post about team tourism at Allegro, as promised we present you with three case studies describing experiences of our engineers during their visits in other teams. The teams visited worked on content automation, machine learning and search engine optimisation.

Jun 17 2019

Allegro culture — Tech Leaders’ Meeting 2019

How many team leaders do you think there are at Allegro? Earlier this year, about a hundred of us had the chance to meet in person for two days. We tackled company-wide technical challenges, exchanged experiences and discussed the way we and our teams work. We encourage you to read our story since it offers a glimpse at the inner workings of our company and its culture.

Nov 24 2017

This Fall digest

Some of our engineers run their own tech blogs. We encourage them to move here, but for various reasons, they prefer to publish on private blogs. We respect their decisions. What we can do is to gather all the blog posts published by engineers around the web in the one place.

Sep 30 2016

opel — asynchronous expression language

In everyday work programmers are facing various problems. We would like to focus on two of them: big systems with non-blocking API and specific business needs that can be solved using Expression Language. Hold tight!

Mar 12 2016

Managing Frontend in the Microservices Architecture

Microservices are now the mainstream approach for scalable systems architecture. There is little controversy when we are talking about designing backend services. Well-behaved backend microservice should cover one BoundedContext and communicate over the REST API. Things get complicated when we need to use microservices as building blocks for a frontend solution. How to build a consistent website or a mobile app using tens or sometimes hundreds of microservices?

Mar 18 2015

Frontend made simple

Hello stranger. It’s your first day as a fronted developer. Here is your brand new desk, computer and stuff. Enjoy your work! Oh, I’ve almost forgotten! You’ll need to read this 500-page Design Manual to know what are we aiming for. Don’t worry, it’s really simple — there are a lot of examples there. It’s written in two languages, every line is commented and we will occasionally ask you about some random padding — just to be sure — that you have learnt everything well… — is there any company still working like this out there?

Bartosz Gałek


Software Developer at Allegro, engineer with devops flavor. Believes that there is always a place for improvement; likes to try new technologies and languages. Open source fan and occasional contributor.