25 Nov 2015
In the team that develops Allegro Recommendation Platform we weren’t happy with our integration tests. Long setup and
assertions blocks resulted in a low signal—to—noise ratio and poor readability. These tests were also full of ad hoc
variables like 1, ABC, OK or NOK, which caused that it was hard to find a connection between input and output
data. Moreover, any change in an API caused changes in many tests.
02 Mar 2015
Typically, applications we develop gain more and more features in each sprint. After a certain time it’s hard to say how
a particular functionality should work. No one remembers all the corner cases without looking into the source code. So
we write high level acceptance tests that describe expected behavior. Using some example scenarios that the end user
could trigger, tests check that the outcome is correct. After the user story is implemented, the test joins a
regression suite that will protect the application from bugs
introduced in future stories.