All posts by
Tetiana Khotiaintseva

Apr 4 2018

Intuition Engineering at Allegro with Phobos

At Allegro, feature velocity is a top priority. We believe that one of our critical competitive advantages is the rate at which we introduce new features. In order to achieve a high feature velocity, one of the architectural choices that Allegro made a while back was to move to microservice architecture. So when somebody uses Allegro, a request comes in (and we just have a hypothetical example here) to service D — and we can imagine a service D being a proxy or an API layer — and whatever that service is, it is not going to have all the information it needs to serve a response. So the service D is going to reach out to service C and service F, and F in turn will reach out to A, and it will in turn reach out to B and E, and you see that this very quickly gets complicated. Allegro has somewhere around 500 microservices, so you can imagine how complicated the communication map looks.

Tetiana Khotiaintseva

Software engineer in the monitoring team. Loves python, clean code, devops culture and challenging problems.