All posts by
Michał Lewandowski

Oct 14 2019

Team tourism at Allegro — part 2 — case studies

Following up on our previous post about team tourism at Allegro, as promised we present you with three case studies describing experiences of our engineers during their visits in other teams. The teams visited worked on content automation, machine learning and search engine optimisation.

Sep 16 2019

Team tourism at Allegro

We often hear about the importance of exchanging knowledge and practices between different teams. However, less often do we hear concrete suggestions for how to do it. In this article, we discuss one of our practices to address the problem.

Michał Lewandowski

Michał is a Software Engineer passionate not only about reactive programming and failure resilience but also about how people and teams work together. Although he enjoys rewriting legacy systems to modern solutions, he loves working with fresh and well-crafted code.