All posts by
Ewa Bugajska

Feb 13 2015

TDD is not dead yet — GeeCon Poznan 2015

On January 30th we made a visit to GeeCon TDD to find out what’s going on in the world of TDD. Allegro was one of the sponsors of the event and our colleague Piotr Betkier appeared as a speaker. The theme of the conference was the broad subject of software testing and TDD. The question for the conference to answer was “Is TDD dead?”. The major stars who came to Poznań were Nat Pryce and Steve Freeman, authors of the book “Growing Object-oriented Software, Guided by Tests”.

Ewa Bugajska

Ewa is a software engineer with 6+ years of professional experience in Java technologies. She is a big fan of clean code. Believes that programming should be more promoted and we should encourage children to learn it, as it develops logical thinking. At Allegro, she works in a team which develops solutions for the financial department.