All posts by
Andrzej Wisłowski

Oct 1 2018

From Simple to Fast - Custom Solr Document Collapsing

At Allegro we use Solr as our main search engine. Due to the traffic to our search engine being thousands of requests per second and index size on the order of a hundred million documents we need to develop custom optimizations. In this post I will describe the story of our Solr plugin development.

May 8 2015

Allegro OpenSource: Elasticsearch reindex tool

At Allegro we use many open-source tools that support our work. Sometimes we are not able to find what we want and this is a perfect moment to fill the gap and to share with the community. We are proud to announce an initial release of Elasticsearch reindex tool — a tool that provides an easy way to rebuild indexes in elasticsearch.

Andrzej Wisłowski

Andrzej works as a software engineer. He is interested in developing and designing search engines and NoSql solutions. At Allegro, he works in the team that delivers the search engine.