All posts by
Andrzej Winnicki

Jan 26 2015

Eight steps to building Minimum Viable Product with Story Mapping

This is the second part of the article about how, in one of the teams at Allegro Group, we combined the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Walking Skeleton concepts with the Story Mapping technique to quickly define the scope of the forthcoming project and eventually built a reliable and valuable product in a limited amount of time.

Oct 22 2014

Story about delivering valuable products quickly, part I

Main purpose of this article is to describe what kind of techniques may be used to build valuable and reliable products with limited time. It is based on the experiences we had, during our work on new logistics platform.

Andrzej Winnicki

In Allegro Group since 2013. Software Engineer with 7 years’ experience building code, architecture and technical solutions. Big fan of Agile movement, Scrum framework, Lean Startup and customer-oriented development. Focused on improving processes, interactions inside teams and applications’ user experience.