Articles tagged with
minimum viable product

22 Mar 2016

Minimum Viable Product – already a cliché or a misunderstood concept?

In the beginning I would like to stress that this is not yet another article about Minimum Viable Product (MVP) mechanics. For theory and examples of its use in practice, please refer to the great article by Andrzej Winnicki. What made me share my thoughts on MVP is what I consider a prerequisite to start working with this method. Moreover, I also recognised this prerequisite as the biggest obstacle which is stopping many enthusiasts from fully understanding it.

10 Dec 2015

Mini rant: V for Viable

Building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a method of developing new products by validating hypotheses using feedback from real users as soon as possible. This is supposed to reduce risk and to ensure a good return on investment. It is most often used together with Agile development methodologies. But there’s no such thing as a free lunch and while it reduces some types of risk, MVP also introduces some risks of its own.