Tomasz Szewczyk

How do coroutines work internally in Python?

Most of applications we create are basically loops. An average program waits for an event, then processes it following some business logic. Afterwards it begins waiting for another event to arrive. Java Servlets work this way too. Popular frameworks such as Spring allow us to only care about the business logic, while the framework takes care of the application main loop.

The problem with blocking operations #

Imagine a very simple web application whose task is to calculate currency exchange rates. It uses no framework, only operating system API or methods from your favourite language standard library. It waits for a request with the amount, base and target currencies and responds with a calculated output. In its simplest form it could have all the exchange rates hardcoded, so the operation is very fast and efficient. We can assume that such an application uses all the available processing power when handling requests.

But in the next iteration we want our app to query another service for current rates instead of relying on hardcoded values. We will soon discover our app is spending most of its time waiting for a response from the other service.

Network communication is very slow after all. Let’s assume that a simple request takes at least 1ms to complete. Modern processors have clock frequencies up to 5GHz and, provided the data and code are already cached, they are capable of at least one simple operation per cycle. This means we could have done at least 5 million simple operations while waiting for the request to complete! What a waste of resources!

Classic approach with threads #

The most obvious solution to this issue are threads. We could refactor our application so that when it receives the request it passes it to a separate thread. This way we don’t have to worry about blocking operations in the business logic. It is the operating system’s responsibility to allocate CPU to something meaningful while our thread is blocked waiting for the other service. From my experience this is how most of the applications work.

Unfortunately this approach has some drawbacks as well. Threads consume a lot of resources and you can only create a limited number of them. Very soon you discover threads are a precious resource on their own and you can hardly afford them sitting and waiting for a request to complete. You need to consider your thread pool allocation policy in order not to starve some part of your application. Add race conditions and other concurrency related issues and it suddenly gets overcomplicated.

How about we don’t block #

Let’s assume you decide threads are too expensive, too cumbersome or they are simply not available on your platform, because for example you are writing bare metal applications and there is no operating system. When we decide not to use threading we have to keep in mind we cannot afford having any blocking operations in our application, because they are wasting our resources. Having no threads means there is no way to use time when something blocks.

The new idea for the program architecture is as follows:

  • Wait for an event to happen.
  • If the event is a new request arriving to an endpoint, then we only setup the request to another service and return.
  • If the event is a response from the other service, then we consume the received data and we setup a response to the original request.

This way we don’t have any blocking operation in our application, hence it is very efficient.

Low level async API #

Linux and similar operating systems provide us with a convenient API for many blocking operations. For example, the accept system call is used to get an incoming TCP connection from a queue of pending connections or wait for one to show up. You can read more about accept in the Linux manual.

Similarly write and read functions, defined by POSIX standard, are used to send and receive data over the created connection. Both can also block waiting for the I/O operation to become possible. You can read more about these functions in the Linux manual: read, write.

As you may have already noticed, our asynchronous application only makes sense when there is only one blocking operation in the whole program. Earlier we called it “waiting for an event to happen”. In Linux we can achieve such a behaviour using select or poll system calls. poll is basically a more modern version of select. In practice we can provide them with a set of event descriptors and they will block until one of expected events occurs. You can read more about these calls in the Linux manual: select, poll.

Select in Python #

This API can be accessed in Python with a convenient wrapper provided by the Python standard library. It hides some complicated low level aspects of the operating system API which is good for this article. Read more about selectors module in the Python documentation.

Firstly we can register an event we want to wait for using the register method, then we wait for any registered event to happen using the select method. Python standard library provides us with DefaultSelector which is an alias for the most efficient implementation on the current platform, so that we don’t have to dive into low level details if we don’t want to.

The simplest async application #

For the sake of simplicity of the examples I won’t use Selector and I won’t try to create an async http client from scratch. There are plainly too many unrelated low level details. Surprisingly, event the most common GET request consists of numerous blocking operations. Instead, I propose the most basic and most easily controllable blocking operation there is: waiting for user input.

Let’s replace the complicated selector with a simple input function and model events with letters. Here is how such an app could look like:

def process_a():
    print("Processing event A")

def process_b():
    print("Processing event B")

def process_c():
    print("Processing event C")

def app():
    while True:
        event = input("> ").strip()

        if event == "A":
        elif event == "B":
        elif event == "C":

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python
> A
Processing event A
> B
Processing event B
> C
Processing event C

As you can see we created an event loop listening for events (user input), then it dispatches the event to the relevant handler. Note how the input function inside the event loop is the only blocking operation in the whole program.

More complex flow of execution #

As I already mentioned, creating asynchronous applications is easy as long as there is no blocking operation while processing events. The aforementioned example was so simple because there weren’t any. When there is some blocking operation we have to split our processing logic into parts, each one ending when there is a need for some blocking operation.

For example imagine a Task which is triggered with event A, but then it has to wait for events B and C in order to complete. You need separate chunks of code to process each event and some way to hold the Task state. One could code it that way:

class Task:
    COUNTER = 0

    def __init__(self):
        self.state = "AWAITING A" = Task.COUNTER
        Task.COUNTER += 1

    def process_a(self):
        print(f"{} Processing event A, blocking on B")
        self.state = "AWAITING B"
        return True

    def process_b(self):
        print(f"{} Processing event B, blocking on C")
        self.state = "AWAITING C"
        return True

    def process_c(self):
        print(f"{} Processing event C, task done")
        self.state = "DONE"
        return True

    def process_new_event(self, event):
        if self.state == "AWAITING A" and event == "A":
            return self.process_a()

        if self.state == "AWAITING B" and event == "B":
            return self.process_b()

        if self.state == "AWAITING C" and event == "C":
            return self.process_c()

        return False

def app():
    tasks = []
    while True:
        print(f"Task queue size {len(tasks)}")
        event = input("> ").strip()

        if event == "A":

        for task in tasks:
            if task.process_new_event(event):
                if task.state == "DONE":

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python
Task queue size 0
> A
0 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 1
> A
1 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 2
> A
2 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 3
> B
0 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 3
> C
0 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 2
> B
1 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 2
> C
1 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 1
> B
2 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 1
> C
2 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 0

Pay attention to how hard it is to extract the actual flow of the Task from the example. The Task is split into three separate methods, each one responsible for a part of the process. There is also a state persisted through consecutive events.

The bright side is the code actually works. You can go through a Task triggering events A, B and C, but you can also start a number of Tasks in parallel by sending a lot of A events in a row. You can then advance these Tasks by sending events they are waiting for.

With classic threaded approach it would be most likely easy to saturate thread pool even by hand. With our asynchronous example you can have a ton of Tasks in progress without any overhead, so the main goal is accomplished.

Disadvantages of asynchronous approach #

We learned that asynchronous approach results in an efficient application, but also has some drawbacks. For starters, your code does not reflect your program logic directly. Instead, you have to manually control the flow, maintain state and pass requests’ context around which is cumbersome and error prone.

Your application business logic is hidden under implementation details and the architecture of your solution is determined by the way you decided to deal with asynchronous operations. You have to stick to a set of complicated rules when developing new features.

If only there were functions that could be easily suspended! We then could create our business logic in a convenient way and achieve asynchronous behaviour at the same time. Instead of passing context around fragments of our program, we could just suspend the execution of a function while there is some blocking operation going on. That would be great, wouldn’t it?

Generators #

According to the glossary of Python official documentation a generator is a function which contains yield expressions. Each yield temporarily suspends processing, remembering the location execution state. When the generator resumes, it picks up where it left off. It seems generators are indeed functions that can be easily suspended. That is exactly what we were looking for!

A closer look at generators #

Let’s take a closer look at generators. How do they work and what is their purpose? First let’s write a function that prints Fibonacci numbers.

def print_fibonacci(i):
    a, b = 1, 1
    for _ in range(i):
        b, a = a + b, b

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python

Next, replace the call to print function with yield expressions and use our function as an iterable.

def yield_fibonacci(i):
    a, b = 1, 1
    for _ in range(i):
        yield a
        b, a = a + b, b

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for f in yield_fibonacci(5):
$ python

As you can see, the function became a generator when we used yield expression inside it. When the program reaches yield expression, the execution is suspended and a value is used as an output. From the outside, the generator behaves like an iterable or even like a stream, because the values we iterate over are not stored in memory. They are generated when needed.

There can be multiple yield expressions in the generator. When execution reaches the end of the generator, the StopIteration exception is thrown, just like with iterators.

Yield from and return #

You can embed one generator inside another with yield from expression. In the following example there is a generator using another generator twice to generate increasing and decreasing numbers.

def step_generator(start, stop, step):
    i = 0
    while start + step * i != stop:
        yield start + step * i
        i += 1

def wrapper_generator(start, stop):
    yield from step_generator(start, stop, 1)
    yield from step_generator(stop, start, -1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for f in wrapper_generator(0, 5):
$ python

What is more, a generator can also have a return statement. The returned value will be used as a payload to StopIteration exception raised when the iteration is over or (much more usefully) it can be used as a result of yield from expression.

def step_generator(start, stop, step):
    i = 0
    while start + step * i != stop:
        yield start + step * i
        i += 1
    return i

def wrapper_generator():
    count = yield from step_generator(0, 10, 2)
    print(f"Generated {count} numbers")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for f in wrapper_generator():
$ python
Generated 5 numbers

Exceptions inside generators #

If an exception is raised within the generator it can be caught using the regular try/except statement in the wrapping generator.

def failing_generator():
    yield 0
    raise Exception("Generator error")
    yield 1

def wrapper_generator():
        yield from failing_generator()
        print("Something went wrong")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for f in wrapper_generator():
$ python
Something went wrong

You can read more about generators in the Python documentation.

Async code using generators #

So we know that generators superficially behave like a stream of values. On the inside they look very similar to regular functions. Their execution flow is easy to understand, because they work just like our standard imperative code. And we know they can be easily suspended. What if we model asynchronous operations as generators of events to be waited for? We could yield all the events from generators and still have readable and maintainable logic inside.

Our generators could be kept in a map, connecting the generator to the event it is waiting for. When the event occurs we can simply take the next event from the generator and again wait for it to happen.

Inside the generator we can have any amount of logic among yield expressions as long as there are no blocking operations. Basically, we write our logic as if it was synchronous code but instead of blocking on some operation we yield what we are waiting for.

Let’s rewrite the example with tasks waiting for user input using the new approach.

counter = 0

def wait_for_b():
    yield "B"

def wait_for_c():
    yield "C"

def task_generator():
    global counter
    id = counter
    counter += 1

    print(f"{id} Processing event A, blocking on B")
    yield from wait_for_b()
    print(f"{id} Processing event B, blocking on C")
    yield from wait_for_c()
    print(f"{id} Processing event C, task done")

def app():
    tasks = {"A": [], "B": [], "C": []}
    while True:
        print(f"Task queue size {len(tasks['A'] + tasks['B'] + tasks['C'])}")
        event = input("> ").strip()

        if event == "A":
            new_task = task_generator()
            waiting_for = new_task.send(None)

        if len(tasks[event]):
            task = tasks[event][0]
                waiting_for = task.send(None)
            except StopIteration:

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python
Task queue size 0
> A
0 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 1
> A
1 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 2
> A
2 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 3
> B
0 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 3
> B
1 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 3
> C
0 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 2
> C
1 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 1
> B
2 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 1
> C
2 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 0

By simply replacing our complicated Task class with a short generator function and queue of tasks with a map of generators and their previously yielded values we manage to get very convenient, yet still very efficient asynchronous code. Actually, these are called coroutines!

Replace yield with await #

Do you think I’m stretching reality a little bit by calling generators coroutines? Let’s see. First replace all yield from expressions with await. Next add an async keyword to the generator definition. Finally wrap the events we await into classes with the __await__ operator method.

counter = 0

class WaitB:
    def __await__(self):
        yield "B"

class WaitC:
    def __await__(self):
        yield "C"

async def coroutine():
    global counter
    id = counter
    counter += 1

    print(f"{id} Processing event A, blocking on B")
    await WaitB()
    print(f"{id} Processing event B, blocking on C")
    await WaitC()
    print(f"{id} Processing event C, task done")

def app():
    tasks = {"A": [], "B": [], "C": []}
    while True:
        print(f"Task queue size {len(tasks['A'] + tasks['B'] + tasks['C'])}")
        event = input("> ").strip()

        if event == "A":
            new_task = coroutine()
            waiting_for = new_task.send(None)

        if len(tasks[event]):
            task = tasks[event][0]
                waiting_for = task.send(None)
            except StopIteration:

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python
Task queue size 0
> A
0 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 1
> A
1 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 2
> A
2 Processing event A, blocking on B
Task queue size 3
> B
0 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 3
> B
1 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 3
> C
0 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 2
> C
1 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 1
> B
2 Processing event B, blocking on C
Task queue size 1
> C
2 Processing event C, task done
Task queue size 0

This code still runs OK! We can have a ton of opened tasks and we won’t saturate any precious resource. What is more, you wouldn’t guess that we had implemented this ourselves by looking at the actual coroutine.

Now you can just replace input with select and yield descriptors of actual blocking operations like reading from socket and you can create your own asynchronous HTTP application.

Python asyncio #

In fact, the async/await syntax is present only since Python 3.7. Prior to 3.7 coroutines were actually written as generators with special annotation attached to them.

Python standard library provides us with a ready-to-use event loop to run our coroutines as well as a set of convenient awaitable operations covering all the lowest level blocking operations we usually deal with. If you want to learn more about low level async API in Python, PEP3156 is a great place to start.

Furthermore, there is a huge number of libraries making use of this low level API. They implement HTTP clients, web frameworks, database drivers and many others. My favourite asynchronous libraries in Python are: asynchronous HTTP client aiohttp, web framework FastAPI and MongoDB driver Motor.

In reality, the Python event loop runs on futures, also known as promises in other languages. Coroutines are implemented with tasks which rely on futures. Our implementation is actually simplified as it bypasses some abstraction layers. You should remember that when looking into Python sources, so you don’t get confused!

When I first started learning coroutines I had hard times trying to figure out all the strange behaviours myself. It was only the understanding of how things work inside that helped me finally feel it. I hope my explanation will help you not only understand how to use coroutines, but also let you gain confidence and intuition about how asynchronous programming works.

Happy coding!
