Is overmocking bad? And if it is, then why?
The first question is — what is overmocking? There are a couple of answers. When you mock something that you can leave or even should use as it is — this is overmocking. An example of this is a POJO object. Other way to overmock your test is to mock all the dependencies and rely only on verifying interactions with mock objects. You will see that in my examples. Overmocking can also happen when you mock something that you don’t own like an external library.
The answer to the title question is — yes. I would say that mocking isn’t always wrong, but it has some disadvantages. If you want to unit test your code then mocking dependencies seems like a pretty much normal thing. Overmocking means that your code design might be wrong and you should think about redesigning it instead of converting your unit tests to integration tests. However tests without mocks are more reliable. And for the sake of this post let’s say that overmocking is a bad habit. What can we do about it?
Don’t mock at all. Otherwise you may encounter bugs when you launch your application because you assume that a piece of code works the way you want it to work. Since it is a mock, you cannot be sure. Moreover, what happens when you decide to update a version of some external library which you mocked in test? The test works just fine, since the library is mocked, but when you release your program, it may crash. Not always but when update has some essential changes. Conclusion? The test is useless because it did not detect a bug that should be found.
Take a look at an example. Testing a REST client is my favourite but case with repository is good too. In the code presented
below we test fetching some additional data from an external service by using a REST client. Just look at the given
and count the mocks.
def "should return transformed delivery methods for two sellers"() {
def client = Mock(Client)
def webTarget = Mock(WebTarget)
def webTarget1 = Mock(WebTarget)
def webTarget2 = Mock(WebTarget)
def builder1 = Mock(Invocation.Builder)
def builder2 = Mock(Invocation.Builder)
def response1 = Mock(Response)
def response2 = Mock(Response)
def invocation1 = Mock(Invocation)
def invocation2 = Mock(Invocation)
def retrier = Mock(RestRetrier)
def host = 'test'
def deliveriesClient = new DeliveriesClientRest(client, "", retrier)
def firstSeller = "123456"
def secondSeller = "654321" >> webTarget
webTarget.path(_) >> webTarget
webTarget.queryParam("sellerId", firstSeller) >> webTarget1
webTarget1.queryParam(_,_) >> webTarget1
webTarget2.queryParam(_,_) >> webTarget2
webTarget.queryParam("sellerId", secondSeller) >> webTarget2
webTarget1.request(_) >> builder1
webTarget2.request(_) >> builder2
builder1.buildGet() >> invocation1
builder2.buildGet() >> invocation2
invocation1.submit() >> ConcurrentUtils.constantFuture(response1)
invocation2.submit() >> ConcurrentUtils.constantFuture(response2)
retrier.getWithRetry({it.getInvocation() == invocation1}) >> response1
retrier.getWithRetry({it.getInvocation() == invocation2}) >> response2
response1.getStatus() >> 200
response1.readEntity(AllegroDeliveryMethods.class) >> TestDeliveryMethodsObjects.DELIVERY_METHODS_ONE_DELIVERY_METHOD
response2.getStatus() >> 200
response2.readEntity(AllegroDeliveryMethods.class) >> TestDeliveryMethodsObjects.DELIVERY_METHODS_ALL
def methods = deliveriesClient.getDeliveryMethods(host, SELLER_ITEMS_TWO_SELLERS_THREE_ITEMS)
methods.entrySet().size() == 2
methods.get(firstSeller) == TestDeliveryMethodsObjects.DELIVERY_METHODS_ONE_DELIVERY_METHOD
methods.get(secondSeller) == TestDeliveryMethodsObjects.DELIVERY_METHODS_ALL
This is one crazy mocked test and a good example of mocking something that you don’t own. It’s very hard to read. It does its job, unit tests functionality but it isn’t that reliable. And if you look at mocked things you can see that the class is probably not so complicated. The REST client setup is the biggest part of the test. Solution for this case? Don’t mock webtargets and use a stubbed service. Wiremock can help you with that. In this way you can test the whole class, including the REST communication. If it’s possible you can start your REST service before test and the test and shut it down afterwards. That would be great.
Here is another example. It’s a very similar test. Again, we use a REST client to fetch data from an external REST service. This test is much better. REST client is not mocked and Wiremock is used to stub REST service.
def cartClient = new CartClientRest(ClientBuilder.newClient(), "8089", new RestRetrier())
def "should return information about cart with id #id"() {
def outputForFirstCart = new JsonBuilder([
id: "testId1",
cartItems: [[
id: 111,
quantity: 1,
price: 444
endedItems: []
def outputForSecondCart = new JsonBuilder([
id: "testId2",
cartItems: [[
id: 222,
quantity: 2,
price: 555
], [
id: 333,
quantity: 4,
price: 666
endedItems: [[
id: 111,
price: 222
stubFor(get(urlEqualTo("/carts/" + cartId))
.withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
def cart = cartClient.get("http://localhost", cartId)
then: == cartId
cart.cartItems[0].id == id
cart.cartItems[0].quantity == quantity
cart.cartItems[0].price == price
cart.cartItems.size() == cartItemsSize
cart.endedItems.size() == endedItemsSize
output || cartId | quantity | id | price | cartItemsSize | endedItemsSize
outputForFirstCart || "testId1" | 1 | "111" | 444 | 1 | 0
outputForSecondCart || "testId2" | 2 | "222" | 555 | 2 | 1
And the last example. This is an example of both operations on a repository and a REST client. We put an address in the repository, then remove it using a REST client.
@ContextConfiguration(classes = Runner.class, loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader.class)
@ActiveProfiles(profiles = ['integration'])
class AddressesClientTest extends Specification {
AddressesDao addressesDao
def embeddedCassandra = new EmbeddedCassandra("cassandra/schema/schema.cql")
static def addressesClient = new AddressesClientImpl(new RestTemplate(), "http://localhost:8080")
def setup() {
def "should remove address"() {
addressesClient.remove(buildId(AddressDbFixture.USER_ID, AddressDbFixture.ADDRESS_ID))
def address = addressesDao.get(AddressFixture.USER_ID, AddressFixture.ADDRESS_ID)
This test is more reliable because it uses embedded Cassandra and a client that doesn’t mock anything. You can think of it like an integration test, but for me it’s just a test that does its job. In this example we start the service before every test and shut it down afterwards. Whole communication is working as in a real environment so you can find your bugs much easier and much faster.
So what should you do with overmocking? In my opinion it’s a sign that you should take a closer look at your application design because something might be going in the wrong direction. Don’t mock anything. Use embedded version of anything you need and stub REST services. Don’t mock REST clients. Everything you need, should start and shut down inside your tests.
Several tools we use for stubbing:
For embedded Mongo we use Fongo.
For embedded Cassandra we use Achilles.
For stubbing REST service we use Wiremock.
For ActiveMq we use embedded broker.